Saturday, January 22, 2011

2010-2011 Group Survey

Hi Everyone,

As a requirement for our 2010 funding from ASN, I have created a short survey for each of you to fill out. There are a few questions related to the 2010-2011 Riparian Health Projects, and our Field Day/BBQ. Also you will find a few questions about the WWG group in general ... which are there to help determine what the focus of the group will be in the future. It will also help us make decisions about what kinds of projects etc. we may want to participate in down the road.

I know everyone is busy ... and I have tried to make it as short and painless as possible !. If you could take a moment to fill it out .. that would be great ! There is space to include any ideas you might have about the group .. please feel free to share your thoughts. You can find the survey at the following link:

Thanks again !

*If anyone has touble filling it out .. accessing it .. or would rather fill it out on paper .. please let me know and I will be happy to assist you ! *

1 comment:

waterton glacier said...

I read this and totally agree with you. You are giving great advice and it is really helpful. Thanks a lot for sharing your thought with us. Keep posting nice information.

waterton glacier