Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 2011 Update

I hope everyone has had a great summer -- even with the warm temperatures we are going to have this week, there is still that look and feel of fall in the air.    There are a few things of interest that I have been wanting to update you all on for while now.

One is the Oldman Watershed Council Newsletter -- which is full of great "news" -- I encourage you all to subscribe to it if you have not done so allready.  It can be viewed here
OWC August 2011 Newsletter

The other is that the Shell Fueling Challenge is still going on:
As I mentioned before you can vote for the OWC Watershed Legacy Program here
Shell Fueling Challenge OWC Watershed Legacy


You can also vote for the Cowboys and Carnivores Project Voting Page

The link above will also provide you with a good description of the Cowboys and Carnivores Project

Below is a brief summary from the Voting Page

"The Miistakis Institute has partnered with the Drywood Yarrow Conservation Partnership, a group of ranchers who live near Waterton Lakes National Park in southwest Alberta. The partnership is developing an innovative community-based monitoring program to reduce carnivore conflicts in the region while maintaining healthy populations of large carnivores. Ranchers living with carnivores face safety concerns and economic burdens due to property damage or consumption of grain and/or livestock by carnivores. "

Register Online To Voluntarily Participate In The Cowboys & Carnivores Program:


Submit A Large Carnivore Sighting:
http://www.rockies.ca/drywood/submit.php or direct to interactive map for entry http://www.rockies.ca/drywood/maptool.php

For more details/contacts -- please send me an email and I will connect you with the appropriate contacts in our area.

I believe it is really important for all members of the community to support projects like these -- they not only benefit specific community members involved in there programs but also serve to better our whole community.

One last note ----- We decided not to have our planned "Weed Day" this summer, as everyone was still busy trying to get through all of their summer "duties".   I would really like to have some kind of get together with everyone late this fall/early winter.   Please drop me a note if you have any thoughts on this.  
